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two roads diverged in a yellow wood...

Writer: cathymaziarzcathymaziarz

"Two roads diverged in a yellow wood..." This is the opening line of Robert Frost's Poem "The Road Not Taken." This has always been one of my favorite poems (Thank you mom, who had introduced me to this amazing poet!) I have always prided myself on the fact that it was a metaphor for my life... I had definitely taken the road less traveled. To name a few of the roads... I committed myself to chastity, I joined the military, I thought bungy jumping was normal, and I received my teaching degree in New Zealand. I prided myself on being different... not following where everyone else was going. I have always "marched to my own drumbeat"... as my husband would say.

This poem has taken on a new meaning for me over the past couple of weeks... and it has not been about the road less taken, but rather I have been presented with a road that is just my road... no one else is walking on it... this time it is not about being different and taking the road no one else will go down.

I am at the crossroads just having trouble making a decision. Which road is best for my family? Which road will make us happiest? Which road will make me successful? I do not know which road will shape my life the way that I want it to be shaped. And I stand here at the crossroad, God says to me... "I got you... whatever road you choose is the one that I meant for you to choose. It may be the right choice (in your eyes)... it may be the wrong choice (in your eyes)... but in MY eyes it is the right choice.... because I choose it for you.

"Two roads diverged in a yellow wood"... and I took a road that God had always chosen for me... "and that has made all the difference."

Psalm 25:4-5 Show me your ways, LORD, teach me your paths. Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long.




This is trust in God's Providence which I so often forget to do. May our journey during this lent remind us that God "has our back". Thanks for your words of wisdom.😊

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